1. Dinner recipes
  2. Desserts and drinks
  3. Drinks for vegetarian dinners

Vegetarian Drinks for Dinner Recipes

Find delicious and healthy vegetarian drinks to accompany your dinner recipes. From classic cocktails to smoothies, here are some great ideas.

Vegetarian Drinks for Dinner Recipes

Are you looking for delicious vegetarian drinks to accompany your dinner? You’ve come to the right place! We have an amazing selection of recipes for drinks that will make your vegetarian dinners complete. From smoothies to juices to mocktails, we have something for every palate. Whether you’re looking for something light and refreshing or something a bit more indulgent, we’ve got you covered. So pour yourself a glass and let’s get started!When it comes to vegetarian drinks for dinner, there are lots of great options to choose from! Start by considering what type of drink might be best for your meal.

If you're serving a light salad or soup, then something like a gin and tonic or a vodka soda might be a good choice. For heartier dishes, such as a veggie lasagna or roasted veggies, you could try a margarita or mojito. You could also opt for a non-alcoholic option such as a smoothie or freshly squeezed juice. If you're looking for something really special, why not try making your own signature cocktail? You can use fresh fruit, herbs, and spices to make something truly unique.

Or if you're feeling adventurous, you could try making an herbal or botanical-infused cocktail. If you'd rather stick to something more traditional, there are plenty of classic cocktails that are suitable for vegetarians. A Bloody Mary is always a crowd pleaser, and it can easily be made with vegetable juice or tomato puree instead of tomato juice. Or try an old fashioned with bourbon or rye whiskey.

There are also lots of non-alcoholic options that are tasty and refreshing such as lemonade, kombucha, or iced tea. No matter what type of vegetarian drinks you choose, make sure you serve them in style! Consider using decorative glasses and garnishes to dress up your drinks. If you're looking for something extra special, why not try making some homemade syrups or infusions? You can use herbs, spices, and fruits to create something truly unique.

Non-Alcoholic Drinks

If you're looking for a tasty and refreshing drink to accompany your vegetarian dinner, consider some non-alcoholic options. Lemonade is always a favorite, and it's easy to customize with flavors like mint or ginger.

Kombucha is a delicious and healthy fermented tea with a slightly fizzy texture that adds a unique twist to the dinner table. Iced tea is also a great choice, and you can experiment with different flavors and sweeteners to make it your own. For something a bit more special, try making a fruit smoothie. Use your favorite fruits and add a little yogurt or almond milk for a nutritious and delicious treat. You can also make an array of mocktails - drinks that look and taste like cocktails but without the alcohol.

With the right ingredients, you can create some truly flavorful drinks that will impress your guests.

Classic Cocktails

When it comes to vegetarian drinks for dinner, classic cocktails are a great option. Consider a Bloody Mary made with vegetable juice or tomato puree instead of tomato juice, or an old fashioned with bourbon or rye whiskey. Both are delicious and perfect for a dinner party. A Bloody Mary is a classic cocktail that has been around since the 1920s. It's a savory drink made with vodka, tomato juice, Worcestershire sauce, tabasco sauce, and other seasonings.

For a vegetarian version, replace the tomato juice with vegetable juice or tomato puree. This will give the drink a slightly different flavor, but it will still be delicious. An old fashioned is another classic cocktail that is perfect for vegetarians. It's typically made with bourbon or rye whiskey, sugar, bitters, and orange peel. To make it vegetarian-friendly, simply replace the whiskey with a non-alcoholic alternative such as apple cider or ginger ale.

The result will be a delicious and refreshing beverage that everyone can enjoy.

Homemade Syrups

For something extra special, why not try making some homemade syrups or infusions? You can use herbs, spices, and fruits to create something truly unique. Homemade syrups are a great way to add flavor to any vegetarian dish. From adding a hint of sweetness to a savory dish, to creating fruity and refreshing drinks for dessert, the possibilities are endless! To make a simple syrup, start by combining equal parts of sugar and water in a saucepan. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly until the sugar is dissolved.

Reduce the heat and allow the syrup to simmer for about five minutes. You can then add in any herbs or spices of your choice. Strain the syrup before serving or storing it in an airtight container. You can also make infusions by steeping fresh or dried fruits, herbs, and spices in hot water.

This is an easy way to impart flavors like lavender, rosemary, or citrus into your drinks. Allow the infusion to steep for about five minutes and then strain it before serving.

Vegetarian Drinks

There are lots of vegetarian drinks that you can serve alongside your dinner recipes. From mocktails and smoothies to fruity teas and herbal infusions, the options are endless! Mocktails Mocktails are a great way to enjoy all the fun flavors of cocktails without the alcohol. To make a refreshing mocktail, combine your favorite juices with some sparkling water and a few drops of bitters.

You can also top it off with some fresh fruit for added flavor.


Smoothies are a great way to get creative with flavors and add some extra nutrients to your diet. Try blending different fruits and vegetables with some yogurt or milk and a sweetener of your choice. For a special touch, you can even add some herbs or spices like cinnamon or ginger.

Fruity Teas

Fruity teas are a delicious way to enjoy hot or iced drinks without caffeine. Steep some dried fruits and herbs in hot water for a few minutes and then strain out the solids before serving.

You can also sweeten your tea with honey or agave nectar.

Herbal Infusions

Herbal infusions are a great way to enjoy a flavorful drink without added sugar or calories. Simply steep some herbs in hot water for about five minutes and then strain out the solids before serving. You can also add some fresh fruit for added flavor. No matter what type of vegetarian drinks you choose, make sure you serve them in style! Consider using decorative glasses and garnishes to dress up your drinks and add some flavor. From classic cocktails to non-alcoholic drinks and homemade syrups, there are lots of great options available to accompany your delicious dinner recipes.

With such a variety of tasty beverages, you'll be sure to find the perfect drink to complete your meal!.

Diana Pillado
Diana Pillado

As the mastermind behind Original Recipe Band, I'm a passionate foodie with a flair for creating unique and innovative recipes. With years of culinary experience under my belt, I'm dedicated to pushing the boundaries of traditional cooking and sharing my original creations with fellow food lovers. From experimenting with exotic ingredients to infusing unexpected flavors, my recipes are sure to tantalize your taste buds and inspire your culinary adventures. Join me on this flavorful journey as we explore the art of cooking and unleash our culinary creativity! Happy cooking!